- Focus on language content that is relevant to you
- Use your new language as a tool to communicate from day
- When you first understand the message you will
unconsciously acquire the language
- Physiological
- Psychological state matters
- Listen a lot
- Focus on getting the meaning first (before the words)
- Start mixing
- Focus on the core
- Get a language parent
- Copy the face
- “Direct connect” to mental images
- hynopedia = sleep learning
- In a world that’s becoming more diverse, we need to
learn each other’s languages
- Thought: any adult can lean any language in 6 months
- human
progress = expanding our limits
- in the past, people put a cap on their learning capabilities
— don’t do that!
- Thought 2: anyone can learn to draw in 5 days (Chris L
applied curtained principles he learned and intensely applied them in 5
- Talent = you need talent
- Immersion = even if you move to HKG that doesn’t mean
you’re going to learn the language
- 5 principles of Rapid Language
First 4 words: Attention – Meaning –
Relevance – Memory, and these interconnect in very important ways.
- E.g. walk through a forest – see a tree, then see a
bear track mark… later you actually see a bear — then you really pay
- related to survival and related to your goals
5 principles
- Principle
1: Focus on language content that is relevant to you
- Ex. using tools that are relevant to us. (E.g.
building a birdhouse – you need a hammer and nails to do it. You have to
have it.)
- Principle
2: Use your new language as a tool to communicate from day 1
- Principle
3: When you first UNDERSTAND the MESSAGE, you will begin to understand the
- comprehension works
- language is not about accumulating a lot of knowledge
- Principle
4: Language is about physiological training
- we have filters on our ears that take in
- Speaking takes muscle. Co-ordinate these muscles to
create sounds that other people understand
- Principle
5: Physiological state maters
- You must learn to be tolerant of ambiguity.
- E.g. Don’t worry about how it sounds all the time
Actions for Rapid Language Acquisition
- Action 1: Listen a lot = brain soaking
- put yourself in a context where you are exposed to this,
and it doesn’t matter if you understand it
or not
- listen to the rhythms, things that repeat, things that stand out.
- Action 2: Get the meaning first before you learn the
- Use body language to understand the conversation.
- use patterns you already know
- Action3: start mixing
- 10 verbs x 10 adverbs x 10 nouns = 1000 words
- language is a creative process! think about babies.
They create a bunch of sounds and words.
- Action 4: focus on the core
- 3000 words will give you enough words to have daily
- [Week 1]: (of learning a new language) – use The Tool
- Ask questions – what is this?
How do you say? I don’t understand… – All in the TARGET LANGUAGE!
- Use the target language as a
tool to help you
- [Week 2]: nouns, pronouns, verb, adjective
- [Week 3-4]: glue words = words that combine words that
give your words meaning : but, and, although
- Action 5: Get a language parent
- have a safe environment where you can learn the
- surrounded by people who know the language
- someone who will communicate with you as an equal
- Rules of a language parent:
- works to understand what you
are saying
- does not correct your
- confirms understanding by
using correct language
- uses words the learner knows
- Action 6: copy the face
- feedback loop in your face: hear how it feels or feel
how it sounds
- look at a native speaker to see how they “use” their
- let your unconscious mind absorb the rules
- Action 7: Direct Connect to Mental images
- common study approach = repeating the word, rote
learning — this doesn’t work?!
- same box-different path
- become so good at pairing these words with existing
images until you become unconscious at it
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